Tank trouble 4 is generally an online flash game and it can be played at the official blog this game is mainly involving a shooting tank, whereas a player, you are required to control the tank to shoot your enemies around a maze without crashing around the maze and also being shot at by a character who will always be after you also known as Laika. You will have access to a variety of weapons that you can use to shoot your target that will range from the normal bullets that come with the game to special weapons when the game level advances. You will also get access to a variety of multiplayer modes such as single-player mode; where you play against the computer; 2 player mode and 3 player mode respectively.
Description/How it Works
If you are a fan of shooting games, especially tank shooting games, then the tank trouble 4 would basically the best game to consider as it encompasses all of that. Users will have the option of playing either in single-player mode against the computer, 2-player mode, one against another player as well as 3-player mode, 3 players against each other by taking down the enemy tankers.
As a player in the game, you will have a tanker that you can be able to control in various directions around a maze, whilst at the same time avoiding to be shot by an enemy tank (Laika) who will keep shooting you through the mazes, as the first one to be shot is taken out, and therefore you will need to ensure that you are not shot at all during the game, but ensure that you are the first one to take out the enemy tanks. You will be able to get special power-ups during game-play around the mazes that will enable you to get more special shooting power. You can be able to dodge the bullets and attacks from the enemy tanks through simply squeezing through the walls of the maze.
Game Controls
In order to effectively play the game, you will need to know all the controls of steering your tank and shooting your enemy lines where the game is mainly played through the PC. The controls are detailed as follows;
Keys E, S, D, F: These are used as navigation keys for the tank, that enable it to move either right, left, forward or reverse. For shooting, you will use the key Q.
For the option of two players with the same keyboard, player 1 will use the same keys whereas player 2 will use the Up, Down, Right and Left buttons to control the tank as well as key ‘M’ to shoot.
In the option of three players, the third player will use the mouse click to shoot as well as the mouse movement to move the tank in Tank trouble unblocked game.